
Striking the Perfect Pose

Posing for a photo is no joke. Sexy lips and creepy eyes are a big no-no, but lets not deny that we have all done this!  I am constantly victim to bad pose. 

Thanks to the help of my rock and roll photographer (literally) friend Lance MercerI have learned some easy tips to incorporate when getting my photo taken. See me below: PS the background is my recent trip to Prague!

BAD Posture, body language and in-genuine smile
What NOT to do!
  1. Slouching/Bad Posture - my head is melting into my shoulders! I know better. My Pilates instructor would KILL ME after the year of training she put me through. 
  2. Hand Placement - should not be a fist. Im not getting ready to punch someone. Hand could be open palm down on the table. Body Language is everything. 
  3. Head Placement - this is unique to each person but looking down is not my best angle. Raise chin slightly (think an apple or small orange would nicely fit)
  4. Accessory Placement - sunglasses too high on bridge of nose. My nose is actually quite small and the placement of the shades make it look 3x its size. 
  5. Camera Angle- Never be afraid to tell the person taking your picture how to angle the lens. Angling from below can add 10+ pounds due to shadows from lighting. Always shoot straight on or slightly above. 
Sunglasses still too high, smile not genuine, however this could suffice.
Getting Better!
Nice posture, face angle, hand placement, and genuine happy smile.
My best angle
A few more personal tips that I have also learned by watching countless award shows, countless wedding photos (always the bridesmaid, never the bride) working in the beauty and fashion industry, and of course every day personal experience.
  1. Find your best "side". Mine is my right side because of my hair part, and a slightly crooked smile. Practice this in the mirror..but dont let anyone catch you :) 
  2. Put on a pretty face. I dont wear a lot of makeup out of pure laziness and have been in a situation where a great picture has been taken and I look less than vibrant. I have learned that a little bronzer, gloss and mascara go a long way. 
  3. Smile with your eyes! Didnt you ever watch America's Next Top Model? Tyra showed all the contestants how to smile with their eyes. Nothing ruins a photo like an amazing smile and zombie eyes. 
  4. If standing - cross one leg in front of the other. This creates a visual hour glass shape from hip to toe. Havent you seen all of the celebs in the gossip mags posing with legs cross, arm on 1 hip? It makes them look thinner! 
  5. BE YOURSELF! Enough said. Practice makes perfect but dont over do it or you will just look awkward..trust me on this one ;) Just be your sweet, sassy, self!!! 


  1. You actually look 20 pounds thinner in the last photo compared to the 1st, amazing!

  2. I know! 1 detail I forgot to mention in posture. So important for woman and men to know.
